Upcoming Activities April 16
Deacon meeting today at 4:30 p.m.
Bible Institute classes (Hermeneutics 2 and Dispensations) continues on Monday night.
Ladies, if you are interested in the trip to Laurel, Miss., on April 22, please sign up today or next Sunday.
We will have a church business meeting after the evening service on April 23.
Please support GCBC with your tithes and offerings by giving online or using the offering plates at the sound booth and welcome desk.
Happy Birthday / Anniversary this week:
Andrew Bentz, 4/17
Johnathon Coltrane, 4/17
Anna Geiser, 4/18
Dan Brake, 4/18
Josiah Daniel, 4/21
David Norris, 4/22
Missionary of the Month: Mike and Teresa Denison ministering to the Hispanic population in Memphis, TN.
Missions Giving: Month to date: $3,145
Given last month: $1,718Monthly need: $2,100
Bible Institute classes (Hermeneutics 2 and Dispensations) continues on Monday night.
Ladies, if you are interested in the trip to Laurel, Miss., on April 22, please sign up today or next Sunday.
We will have a church business meeting after the evening service on April 23.
Please support GCBC with your tithes and offerings by giving online or using the offering plates at the sound booth and welcome desk.
Happy Birthday / Anniversary this week:
Andrew Bentz, 4/17
Johnathon Coltrane, 4/17
Anna Geiser, 4/18
Dan Brake, 4/18
Josiah Daniel, 4/21
David Norris, 4/22
Missionary of the Month: Mike and Teresa Denison ministering to the Hispanic population in Memphis, TN.
Missions Giving: Month to date: $3,145
Given last month: $1,718Monthly need: $2,100